Aunt Jody's Sister's Blog:
Monday, June 22, 2009
The Big Announcement
I've seen several different discussions online about "The Big Announcement", and I absolutely agree with those who believe this is being used to deflect from a more serious issue that is going on. They are trying to deflect the attention away from the "glimpse" everyone got of what Kate is really like with her children. This was not just an isolated incident. I'm not going to discuss the spanking issue, because I don't think "spanking" is really the issue at all. I think the point should be...was she reacting out of anger? Did the punishment fit the crime?
Many viewers have been very observant and have seen the indications/signs of what is really going on. So many people have been criticized for voicing their opinions about what they have actually seen on the show...putting the pieces of the puzzle together and figuring out what the dynamics of this family is really all about. They are called "lairs", "haters" and "jealous" for speaking out and seeing through the facade of the "reality" show.
Kate has prided herself in saying that their show is the "realest" reality show. You get the good, the bad and the ugly. Well, if the truth be told, they can't show the ugly on TV. Kevin and Jodi mentioned in their interview that the production company had a hard time getting 15 mins of airable footage out of 8 hours of filming.
Kate even made a comment on Rachel Ray that gives a little hint into their "real" life. She said something like, "I was on one of my rampages"...she said it very flippantly, like that's just the way it is. But again, remember that her "rampages" can't be shown on TV, so the glimpse you get on the show is actually "the bad" but not "the ugly". Her response to the spanking article was, "I discipline them as I deem appropriate for the situation". I would venture to guess that most people would differ in her opinion of what is appropriate.
Just one example...I previously wrote a post about "gumgate" on my blog. I alluded to the fact that things were much worse than were shown on TV. At some point between filming and the airing of the episode, someone from the crew came to Jodi and said something like, "that gum incident was really something". She had no idea what this person was talking about because other than the telephone conversation with Kate, she didn't know how bad her reaction had been. The person from the crew told Jodi that the scene got so bad at their house that they turned the cameras off and left. Kevin and Jodi mentioned in their interview that the crew told them that they had moral issues with what they were filming.
Things were so bad between Jon and Kate (this was back in Season 1 and 2), that they had to reshoot couch interviews and add in scenes weeks after the filming was done to try to show a more loving couple. They were told to change back into what they were wearing during that episode and "hug in the kitchen". They were told to sit closer on the couch, have Jon put his arm around Kate...say they were "in this together".
A more recent example, I saw a clip this morning of their vows in Hawaii. It makes me sick that they would stand there and lie before God, their children, and the viewers. It was a complete mockery of the sanctity of marriage! All for money, ratings, a trip to Hawaii! Things were so bad at that point last year that they separated shortly after they returned.
They were never the devoted couple that production was trying to portray. It may look like they are so different now or they've changed so much. That's not really true. The viewers weren't shown a true depiction of what things were really like. The turning point was when their two worlds collided. Real life Jon and Kate was exposed and they were forced to deal with it on the show. If those photos hadn't come out, the viewers would have no idea how bad things really are. They still have many episodes that were filmed back before the truth was exposed, and they were planning on continuing the charade as long as possible.
I saw the teaser clip for the show tonight. It's very evident that they are trying to portray Kate as the victim. Jon has changed and she doesn't understand. I'll explain it to you, Kate, Jon decided that he will no longer take your abuse! Kate doesn't know how to have a relationship with anyone without trying to completely control them.
Kate says she will always do what's best for her kids. What a joke!! I have a suggestion. Step back from the spotlight and work on your marriage in private. Give your children their privacy back. Many child psychologists have come forward and stated that the reality show is damaging the children. I guess Kate knows what's best, they are her kids. Give me a break!!!
Jon mentions the tabloids are making things worse. Actually, it made things worse because they were trying to keep the separation quiet so they could continue the charade. They gave up on their marriage months before the tabloids started reporting on them. Now they've been forced to speed up their "reality" show to real time, and they weren't prepared for that. It's horrible to see them using their marital issues as a ploy for ratings. As much as Jon says he doesn't want to be in the public eye and doesn't want to be a part of the show, there he was yesterday, giving an interview and telling people to watch the show to find out the state of their marriage. You can't have it both ways, Jon!! It's evident that both of them will do anything for more money!!
I will not be watching tonight and I hope others decide to make the stand too. Showing the destruction of a real family on TV should not be used for entertainment!
To answer another question that I have been hearing for a long time, "Why isn't anyone doing anything?"---to help the kids or stop the show. Here's the answer...many people are trying. The problem...MONEY!! It's more powerful than I ever imagined! People don't want to lose their jobs, the state of PA doesn't want to lose the tax revenue, the list goes on and on...
Source : The Truth Will Set You Free at 9:34 AM
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